Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Being uncomfortable leads to growth, right?

I love growth but I hate change or stepping out of my comfort zone. I’m amazed at the things I have accomplished in my career because I had leaders consistently pushing me out of my comfort zone. I bought in and followed their leadership and I still reap the benefits today.

I recently received an email promoting a new book on leadership and a statement in the email jumped out at me: “Being uncomfortable leads to growth, right?”

The wheels in my brain started turning and I had to ask - Does being uncomfortable always lead to growth? I realized that being uncomfortable leads to growth but that doesn’t mean we will grow. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. In the same way we choose to grow or not to grow. Each day we make decisions, small and large, that contribute to growth or no growth.

We can choose not to grow and not to learn from the lessons and challenges in front of us. Let’s face it, it’s easier to say “I don’t want to embrace this change” or “I don’t want face this challenge”. People tell us to face challenges head on…but we would rather bury our head in the sand. People tell us to embrace change…but we feel like we’re trying to hug a rosebush, and a thorny one at that.

Have you ever felt that way?

When we allow these thoughts to grow and take root in our heart and mind we stunt our growth. We are uncomfortable but instead of growing, we choose to dig our heals in and resist the opportunity. Ouch. When we are in the midst of those times we can’t see what we are doing…until it’s too late. We miss out on valuable lessons and opportunities. It takes someone else looking at the situation to see what we are doing. Often times we don’t listen to them though because we are stubborn and we don’t like others telling us what we need to change. Don’t even try to deny it. J

If you want to GROW during uncomfortable times:

· DO appreciate your new circumstances, new position, new people, etc.
· DON’T complain (some of these are harder than others, I know!)
· DO open your heart and mind to the NEW
· DON’T close yourself off to the NEW
· DO communicate everything you can
· DON’T blame anyone or anything
· DO be honest
· DON’T be rude
· DO look ahead to the positives
· DON’T live in the past…look back only occasionally
· DO try…if you don’t try to make it work now how can you continue on your path?

Right now, if you want to quit, if you want run away, if you want to hide, if you want to cry, etc…then take some time and evaluate your current situation. Ask yourself why you are unhappy. Be honest with yourself. What changed that is causing you to be unhappy. Can you choose to be happy? Can you change your attitude? Next, Change. Change starts with you. Then if you need help with changes or there are issues that need to be dealt with, communicate it to the right people and in the right way.

1. Evaluate your current situation (your NEW)
2. Change – starting with you
3. Communicate

Will you gROW or DIg your heals in when faced with the uncomfortable? The choice is yours!