Thursday, December 27, 2012

Seize every opportunity!!

Another year is drawing quickly to a close and with it many will make new year's resolutions. I make resolutions each year but they only seem to last a week or a couple months at best. I heard about the concept of one word for the year from Jon Gordon on Twitter. He shared how his friends, Dan Britton and Jimmy Page, authors of "Wisdom Walks" have used this idea for 16 years. I found several blogs on this as well. Check out The idea is to choose one word for your year instead of making resolutions. They last longer than resolutions because they color every action everyday.

There are many words to choose from. Just find one that fits you. Honesty. Love. Kindness. Courage. Generosity. Integrity. Loyalty. Compassion. Hospitality.

My word for 2013 is seize. Seize every opportunity is my 2013 motto. So often we allow opportunities to pass us by. Opportunities for service, sacrifice, and success. We stay in our bubble or our comfort zone and watch each opportunity pass. It's an easy habit to fall into but one I want to break.

Everyday I have the opportunity to study the Bible. Everyday I have the opportunity to eat healthy and exercise. Everyday I have the opportunity organize my home. Everyday I have the opportunity to work hard and do my best at work. Everyday I have the opportunity to be kind to others. Everyday I have the opportunity to tell others of God's love.

I just have to seize those opportunities.

Seize means to take hold of or to take possession of. In 2013 I will strive to seize every opportunity God places in my path with His help.
