Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday again???

Do you dread Mondays?

Do you want to hide under the covers when the alarm goes off?

Do you grumble all morning?

Then this blog is for you!

My hope is that you will find something here to help you see Monday in a new light, something to give you a reason to leap out of bed in the morning, and give you a burst of positive energy!

Now if you want to stay in a bad mood and continue hating your job, that's fine. I won't stop you. In fact, you better stop reading and just leave now. You wouldn't want things to get better, now would you?

All kidding aside, I really want to give you a reason to love your job. You may think it's impossible but it's not. I've been in your shoes. I hated my job. I found a reason to stay and I found a way to love my job. I don't have any magic words or some trick to fix everything. I just have my experience and lessons I've learned from others.

If you want to love your job or at least enjoy it, then this is the place for you!

Learning to love your job is a journey. One that requires dedication, sacrifice, and hard work. It's up to you if you are willing to take the first
step in the journey.

So let the journey begin...

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