Thursday, December 27, 2012

Seize every opportunity!!

Another year is drawing quickly to a close and with it many will make new year's resolutions. I make resolutions each year but they only seem to last a week or a couple months at best. I heard about the concept of one word for the year from Jon Gordon on Twitter. He shared how his friends, Dan Britton and Jimmy Page, authors of "Wisdom Walks" have used this idea for 16 years. I found several blogs on this as well. Check out The idea is to choose one word for your year instead of making resolutions. They last longer than resolutions because they color every action everyday.

There are many words to choose from. Just find one that fits you. Honesty. Love. Kindness. Courage. Generosity. Integrity. Loyalty. Compassion. Hospitality.

My word for 2013 is seize. Seize every opportunity is my 2013 motto. So often we allow opportunities to pass us by. Opportunities for service, sacrifice, and success. We stay in our bubble or our comfort zone and watch each opportunity pass. It's an easy habit to fall into but one I want to break.

Everyday I have the opportunity to study the Bible. Everyday I have the opportunity to eat healthy and exercise. Everyday I have the opportunity organize my home. Everyday I have the opportunity to work hard and do my best at work. Everyday I have the opportunity to be kind to others. Everyday I have the opportunity to tell others of God's love.

I just have to seize those opportunities.

Seize means to take hold of or to take possession of. In 2013 I will strive to seize every opportunity God places in my path with His help.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

When do you stop chasing your dream?

Have you ever hit a brick wall? Have you ever faced a set back? Ever heard a negative comment? When this happens we often want to quit. Give up before we get hurt any more. It's "easier" to change directions and start down a new path. But why sacrifice all the hard work and time you've put in? Is your goal achievable? Are you capable of reaching the goal? So it might take an extra month, year, or decade. It's up to you to decide if it's worth it.

"If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive, and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for things that are worthwhile - it can be done." -Vince Lombardi

If it's a worthwhile goal then it's worth the price. Are you willing to pay that price? In today's society we want things now. We don't want to wait for that promotion. Sometimes we don't want to put in all the hard work required to reach our goals. You must pay the cost if you would reach your goal.

"Mental toughness is many things and rather difficult to explain. It's qualities are sacrifice and self-denial. Also, most importantly, it is combined with a perfectly disciplined will that refuses to give in. It's a state of mind-you could call it character in action." -Vince Lombardi

Be persistent in reaching your goals. When you hit that brick wall walk around it, climb over, or dig a trench and crawl under!! When you face a set back ask yourself what you need to change and improve in yourself. When a negative comment hits you the wrong way, pause and remember why you are working towards this goal. Remember what you've accomplished to this point and learn what you can to grow and reach your goal.

So the answer to our question? Never!! Don't quit until you die. Goals may change or may be accomplished but always remember: where one goal ends, another has just begun.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Being uncomfortable leads to growth, right?

I love growth but I hate change or stepping out of my comfort zone. I’m amazed at the things I have accomplished in my career because I had leaders consistently pushing me out of my comfort zone. I bought in and followed their leadership and I still reap the benefits today.

I recently received an email promoting a new book on leadership and a statement in the email jumped out at me: “Being uncomfortable leads to growth, right?”

The wheels in my brain started turning and I had to ask - Does being uncomfortable always lead to growth? I realized that being uncomfortable leads to growth but that doesn’t mean we will grow. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. In the same way we choose to grow or not to grow. Each day we make decisions, small and large, that contribute to growth or no growth.

We can choose not to grow and not to learn from the lessons and challenges in front of us. Let’s face it, it’s easier to say “I don’t want to embrace this change” or “I don’t want face this challenge”. People tell us to face challenges head on…but we would rather bury our head in the sand. People tell us to embrace change…but we feel like we’re trying to hug a rosebush, and a thorny one at that.

Have you ever felt that way?

When we allow these thoughts to grow and take root in our heart and mind we stunt our growth. We are uncomfortable but instead of growing, we choose to dig our heals in and resist the opportunity. Ouch. When we are in the midst of those times we can’t see what we are doing…until it’s too late. We miss out on valuable lessons and opportunities. It takes someone else looking at the situation to see what we are doing. Often times we don’t listen to them though because we are stubborn and we don’t like others telling us what we need to change. Don’t even try to deny it. J

If you want to GROW during uncomfortable times:

· DO appreciate your new circumstances, new position, new people, etc.
· DON’T complain (some of these are harder than others, I know!)
· DO open your heart and mind to the NEW
· DON’T close yourself off to the NEW
· DO communicate everything you can
· DON’T blame anyone or anything
· DO be honest
· DON’T be rude
· DO look ahead to the positives
· DON’T live in the past…look back only occasionally
· DO try…if you don’t try to make it work now how can you continue on your path?

Right now, if you want to quit, if you want run away, if you want to hide, if you want to cry, etc…then take some time and evaluate your current situation. Ask yourself why you are unhappy. Be honest with yourself. What changed that is causing you to be unhappy. Can you choose to be happy? Can you change your attitude? Next, Change. Change starts with you. Then if you need help with changes or there are issues that need to be dealt with, communicate it to the right people and in the right way.

1. Evaluate your current situation (your NEW)
2. Change – starting with you
3. Communicate

Will you gROW or DIg your heals in when faced with the uncomfortable? The choice is yours!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Always Focus on the Destination

"It's not always the route we enjoy, but the destination." Always focus on the destination.

This is the message a mentor gave me not long ago. Focus on where you are going, where you want to be, not on where you are now.

Think about a runner. They don't look at the ground as they run. They focus on the finish line...even when they can't see it. It's up ahead and they have to keep pressing on until it comes into view and stretches only yards ahead. If they focus on their feet hitting the pavement or focus on the ground below, their pace will slow and they will stop. Worse yet, they could fall and injure themselves.

Where is your focus? Are you looking at where you are right now? No matter the present circumstance or situation in your life or job you must choose to look up and focus on your destination. Sometimes it's difficult to choose to look up and keep running. Instead you want to stop and understand why this is the path you must take. Why there are obstacles, why you must walk alone, why there are shadows, and the list could go on.


Such a small word and yet it can hold so much power. When we question why things are the way they are, we trap ourselves and stop our progress. When you ask why, you stop on the path and look around instead of running and focusing on the goal. All progress stops.

We can't live in the past. We must live in the present and focus on the future. Focus on your destination.

My destination at work is to be a branch manager and perhaps even someday a regional manager. It doesn't matter how long the path is, who is walking the path with me, or even who will be waiting for me at the finish line. In the five years I have spent at my job, the path has seemed longer for me than anyone else's path. I believe that's because God has more lessons for me to learn to fulfill a greater purpose than I can even begin to understand. God has blessed me with an incredible job and opportunities beyond my wildest imaginations. For that reason I can choose to focus on the destination.

Sometimes we have to refocus our attention on the destination. If you stopped running, look up and start running again. If you are looking at the path and asking why, look up and run. Don't question the path God has chosen for you. He has a greater purpose than you know. If you don't know your destination, take some time today and figure out your goal. Where do you want to be in the next five years? Ask God to help you choose the right destination. He will help you if you ask Him.

Sometimes the path you're on is not as important as the direction you're heading. ~Kevin Smith

Keep running, keep looking up, and focus on your destination!

-Linda Beasley

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

No pain, No Gain

How many times have we heard that? I heard that many times while I was growing up. I thought of it again the other day because it relates to my situation in some ways. A couple weeks ago I joined a fitness boot camp. It was tough and I was so sore!! I could hardly walk after the third day. To see results I had to push myself and endure the pain. No pain, no gain. If it were up to me, things in my life would never change (unless I was making the change). I am a control freak. I admit it. I want to plan everything out. I don't want to be surprised or be put on the spot. I want time to prepare. Change scares me. Change pushes me out of my comfort zone. Change can be overwhelming. The only thing constant in life is change. Recently, a change was announced at my job. It is a good change for our company and ultimately for our employees but it isn't a change I was expecting. I am constantly reminding myself of all the positive things this change will make."Change is a good thing" or "Opportunities and growth come with change." Sometimes change hurts. Change forces you to do things you didn't think you were capable of or things you didn't want to do. But afterwards you realize that it was a good thing. As hard as it is, try to embrace changes. You never know where this change could lead you. Sometimes changes take you that much closer to your dreams. "Continuity gives us roots; Change gives us branches letting is stretch and grow and reach new heights." -Pauline R. Kezer