Thursday, June 28, 2012

Always Focus on the Destination

"It's not always the route we enjoy, but the destination." Always focus on the destination.

This is the message a mentor gave me not long ago. Focus on where you are going, where you want to be, not on where you are now.

Think about a runner. They don't look at the ground as they run. They focus on the finish line...even when they can't see it. It's up ahead and they have to keep pressing on until it comes into view and stretches only yards ahead. If they focus on their feet hitting the pavement or focus on the ground below, their pace will slow and they will stop. Worse yet, they could fall and injure themselves.

Where is your focus? Are you looking at where you are right now? No matter the present circumstance or situation in your life or job you must choose to look up and focus on your destination. Sometimes it's difficult to choose to look up and keep running. Instead you want to stop and understand why this is the path you must take. Why there are obstacles, why you must walk alone, why there are shadows, and the list could go on.


Such a small word and yet it can hold so much power. When we question why things are the way they are, we trap ourselves and stop our progress. When you ask why, you stop on the path and look around instead of running and focusing on the goal. All progress stops.

We can't live in the past. We must live in the present and focus on the future. Focus on your destination.

My destination at work is to be a branch manager and perhaps even someday a regional manager. It doesn't matter how long the path is, who is walking the path with me, or even who will be waiting for me at the finish line. In the five years I have spent at my job, the path has seemed longer for me than anyone else's path. I believe that's because God has more lessons for me to learn to fulfill a greater purpose than I can even begin to understand. God has blessed me with an incredible job and opportunities beyond my wildest imaginations. For that reason I can choose to focus on the destination.

Sometimes we have to refocus our attention on the destination. If you stopped running, look up and start running again. If you are looking at the path and asking why, look up and run. Don't question the path God has chosen for you. He has a greater purpose than you know. If you don't know your destination, take some time today and figure out your goal. Where do you want to be in the next five years? Ask God to help you choose the right destination. He will help you if you ask Him.

Sometimes the path you're on is not as important as the direction you're heading. ~Kevin Smith

Keep running, keep looking up, and focus on your destination!

-Linda Beasley

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