Wednesday, May 2, 2012

No pain, No Gain

How many times have we heard that? I heard that many times while I was growing up. I thought of it again the other day because it relates to my situation in some ways. A couple weeks ago I joined a fitness boot camp. It was tough and I was so sore!! I could hardly walk after the third day. To see results I had to push myself and endure the pain. No pain, no gain. If it were up to me, things in my life would never change (unless I was making the change). I am a control freak. I admit it. I want to plan everything out. I don't want to be surprised or be put on the spot. I want time to prepare. Change scares me. Change pushes me out of my comfort zone. Change can be overwhelming. The only thing constant in life is change. Recently, a change was announced at my job. It is a good change for our company and ultimately for our employees but it isn't a change I was expecting. I am constantly reminding myself of all the positive things this change will make."Change is a good thing" or "Opportunities and growth come with change." Sometimes change hurts. Change forces you to do things you didn't think you were capable of or things you didn't want to do. But afterwards you realize that it was a good thing. As hard as it is, try to embrace changes. You never know where this change could lead you. Sometimes changes take you that much closer to your dreams. "Continuity gives us roots; Change gives us branches letting is stretch and grow and reach new heights." -Pauline R. Kezer

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